Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Powerful theme of JNF doctors trip to Israel: Treating all with humanity

Members of the 2017 Doctors for Israel Mission to Israel.
By Dr. Fredric Cohen, co-chair of JNF's Doctors for Israel Mission

We came together from all over North America -- New York and Dallas; Toronto and Tampa Bay; Philadelphia and Paramus -- all with the same goal, to experience and to support. We walked the sparkling, modern, and very upscale shops and eateries of Sarona, built around the historic Jewish National Fund-renovated first buildings of a nascent Tel Aviv. We heard about the trials and tribulations of pre-State pioneers, and the birth pangs of the current State of Israel. 

Monday, April 23, 2018

On JNF Makor Mission, the thrill of seeing Israel's desert come alive

By Rachel Sofaer

There's no better way to start the day than overlooking the beautiful cliffs of the Negev desert, and that's how the day began for a group of dedicated American Jews visiting Israel. The group was in southern Israel on Jewish National Fund's Makor Mission, spending five-days exploring JNF sites and Israel's peripheral communities. As the desert breeze danced through the air, the group of lay leaders from across America learned about the community of Arad. Makor members generously donate to JNF and inspire their communities at events and conferences to open up their wallets, and more importantly their hearts, to help Jewish National Fund continue to develop Israel.